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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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  1. Once you have downloaded the file, click it in the download menu (if you cannot see it, CTRL+J is a common keyboard shortcut to get to a browser's download history).
  2. In the window that opens up, there is a section along the top of the window labeled "Compressed Folder Tools". If it is not selected automatically, click it.
  3. Click the "Extract all" button to begin the unzipping process, ensure that the "Show extracted files when complete" box in the window that pops up is checked, then click the highlighted "Extract" button at the very bottom to complete the unzipping process.
  4. Once the files are unzipped into the folder, double-click the file labeled "Fool's Gold Dice, Death & Dating.exe".
    1. If Windows SmartScreen is enabled, it will ask if you want to run the program. I am assuming Dingo and company did not give us a virus and you are safe to click "more info" followed by "run anyway".
  5. Enjoy the game!

Oh yeah, I think that's what's happening. My bad for not thinking of that (^_^'')

Very cool! One note: After a certain number of restarts (around six or seven), the restart button stops working.

Thank you for this treat of tasty numbers

Just tested and can confirm, it does not work on WMR through SteamVR.